Thursday, June 27, 2013

Crazy is an understatement!!!!

Wow I cannot believe how long it has been since I have written.  It really shows just how crazy life gets after marriage and 3 kids. 

Lately things have been even more hectic because the husband is out of town a lot for work so now I'm essentially a single parent full time, working full time, and trying to do all other things that need to get done!

It's been 6 months that I have been juggling the new life style with the recent addition to our tribe baby Dahlia.  It's definitely been an interesting ride.  I have so many single friends and newly married friends who are like OMG how do you do it and I don't know if I can handle one baby.  Well listen up people 1 kid is manageable, NO LIE seriously it's cake, once you start adding to that yes it becomes challenging, but I would not have it any other way.  I love my kids and enjoy each and everyone of them I could live with out the tantrums and occasional whining! :)

I never thought I would be married with 3 kids if I were to rewind back to my twenties.  I just figured out I have been married for 7 years and wonder where did the time go.  I am truly grateful for all I have and count my blessings everyday. 
I will take this crazy life over any other any day!!!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Just one week....

If only I could have one week where one of my kids does not get sick. I mean I know they are small and pick up stuff from school, but it really is like every week one of them gets something. Ugh... Not fun...Especially when you are a full time working mom and feel like a single mom because pretty much everything falls on me!
Just need to make it to the weekend!!!!!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Rules of Marriage to Live By!

I'm no expert by any means but now being married 7 years I've learned a lot. Overtime you grow and learn how to handle things!!

  1. Don't complain it does not get you anywhere!!! In other words don't be a nag nobody wants to feel like they are married to their mother.

  2. Use your words, don't scream or act a fool.

  3. Have a discussion not an argument always COMMUNICATE!

  4. Listen Listen Listen, very important if your significant other wants to unload or vent. Just be a set of ears!

  5. Choose your words carefully always respect eachother!

  6. Be a team working together is better then feeling you are on your own.

  7. Always make time for one another, sometimes when you have kids and the hecticness of life gets you caught up take time to smell the roses with your love one! Cannot stress enough date nights!

  8. Don't make mountains out of mole hills, always pick your battles. It's not worth picking fights over stupid things!

  9. Take time to compliment each other!

  10. Love love love love always remember to love!

Alot of these are common sense but I tell you it's good to keep it in mind and remember relationships are always work it's not a fairytale!!!
